

Cessons de quiconque ou à quoi que ce soit de voler votre lumière loin de vous, Fabiola.

Am not the type of guy who will tell you a lie or two to captivate your mind and make you believe. You are smart, and I love that. So who am I to start gossip with an idea that sooner or later will fade and vanish with the bitterness of the experience? Lets start by facing the truth. Real love is hard to find.

We both have collected, in different ways and experiences, seas of tears that sometimes one doesn’t even want to recall. Am not here to defend those fools, who have played with our hearts, to rescue any point they could have had to step back once our hearts started pounding out for them. Truth is that every time we consider investing our feelings into a relationship, we run risks that may leave bankruptcy within our hearts. That might be the only resemblance we might find between love and money.

I write this not to make lighter our reasons to quit believing in love. But to give you some assets, so that you think twice that even thou we might not be in love right now, there is a need (yes, such is the sense of urgency) to keep believing in love. The first one is the human nature.

According to the bible, God said: “It is not good for the man to continue by himself. I am going to make a helper for him, as a complement of him”. That is what explains the magnet that attracts us to being in love. It is part of our needs, like breathing. And even when it is not depending only upon us to have success on it , there is a powerful, magnetic, intense, passionate, and irresistible force that brings us back to our nature of loving. Closing our hearts to believe in love is going against nature.

There is another evidence of the truth of the love that surely is out there for you: and you just can’t deny it: your own ability to love. I might not know everything about you, but I know enough to know you are not fake. You have constantly repeated the need of being authentic and accurate: when you have been in love, you have truly been, and endeavored to stay no matter what. Your conception of love is not like the sick ones out there, that rely on passion rather than compromise. You love beyond stomach butterflies. Don’t you?

Maybe painful experiences are not nice. But… haven’t you learned something along the way with them? Isn’t it true that next time you will measure up much better who you love? In my case, my conception of being in love is much different, stronger and wise than before. Shall you quit loving right when you might be at the top of your wisdom to love? What is the use of your wisdom if you don’t practice it?

There is another motive: you reap what you sow. What can you expect of being there for others? For being supportive, loving, caring? For giving up lots of yourself to others (relatives or people you don’t even know), and giving up to them words and facts that cause comfort, hope and inner healing? You can’t do wrong.

Am not telling your your life is a waist if you don't find another one (just look at mine in such case). Am not telling you go out there and get an the first jack you see. Am not telling you another person will bring you happiness. It's about the nature of loving, not the mate itself. The more the time goes by, love becomes a rare talent that you are lucky to posses. Don't let others take that light away from you. You and I have it and must let it shine, you are responsible for the whole continent of yours. We to be alive, we must B|Live.


Anonymous said...

MERCI d'être mon ami! Je suis en vie alors, je croirai!

dz said...

Uus devons nous battre pour garder notre foi. Mais la récolte est joyeuse. Continuez de croire!
