

He needs a remedy that binds and blinds. Let it bind the affection that he gives away, let it blind his vision so that he doesn’t’ look in no way. Need some sort of way that gives me the consciousness needed 2 avoid his emotions 2 run desperately and think she could love him. B cause he does already.

Time and time again, an endless cycle seems 2 B falling in love just 2 B reminded that he shall fall out. And it wouldn’t B a problem if he wouldn’t leave pieces of his heart every time he does. The remaining peace, is looking at ‘her’ right now. Looking at her means, watching a lovely icon on his MSN contacts, with an evocative nick, and a suggestive comment in the title title. She is the 1 he was thinking of. And yes, they seemed 2 B different, but he had the feeling that within time they both could make it.

But then he finds out: she has some1, and she’s been looking some1 B cause she seems 2 B trying 2 establish and settle somehow and she feels lonely.

“U just had 2 look a bit further at me, and discover me. D|scover that the 1 U consult sometimes answers U ‘2 gladly’. Did U ever watch my eyes when I did? Obviously U didn’t. And U should have.”

And he beats his head against the wall of regrets, pondering who is the most stupid: is it her B cause she wasn’t’ able 2 see he was eager 2 have her, willing 2 wait, able 2 risk, open 2 share? Is it him, and his obstinate heart propensity 2 look 4 a hope in love, and then in those wings, love on her?

“I guess it was me. And even if I wasn’t: does it make any sense that I get 2 know it if U don’t?”

It would have been beautiful 2 watch 2gether life, grow old, and watch their bodies un-morph, their health get weakened, and their experience get amplified, while developing the tendency 2 give less attention 2 it, B cause everything gets more importance when they both share a second of life 2gether.

“For now, U get Ur ignition. I’ll watch U burn while I get frozen.”

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