

Still from the Video Crazy, by Gnarls Barkley
Still from the Video Crazy, by Gnarls Barkley

Since I share my thoughts thru the blogs I’ve used in the past I have stated how important for me it is that the people understand that one just cannot be defined for what one writes. Not that completely. All of us go thru severe emotions, situations, feelings, and factors that might end up making unpredictable how we feel. It is not that I lack personality. But am not here to come and show you my feathers like a peacock in love. It is just that as you do too, sometimes I express things, or stop expressing certain ones, and it doesn’t’ mean that what I said or stopped saying defines me.

The way anyone thinks of one is also something that randomly changes and cannot be defined either. What do you see in me? A deep insight on the way you might value things up might tell that what you see is finally what you want to see. No matter how much I strive or dig deep down into my opinion to let you know the roots of my beliefs, at last my verdict will find the solution on how much compatibility you feel with what you hear, and if you are not judgmental enough to balance well, your might end up wrong.

My posts are some soft of picture of the way I look into this world. Sometimes I just say the things as they are, and my only thought on the subject is letting you know that I do notice that, whether are god or bad. If I let you know that there are bad people in the world it doesn’t mean I support that. If I denounce shakiness it doesn’t mean I am happy with it. Am just shouting it shakes me. Nothing hides a meaning beyond that.

A site on the web defines art as: “The formal expression of a conceived image or imagined conception in terms of a given medium.” Well, what if my image is just letting you know that it is? Would you say that if someone comes and tell you, ‘look there is a hole on the road’, the persona who said it is the one who made the hole, or that person stands for the hole creation? Yes o no, it all depends on what you want to believe. One’s logic has an important role on the decision.

My poetry, my tales, and my statements thru any of my posts are my art. I love them dearly, dirty and imperfect as they are. They are pictures of things I’ve seen, lived, enjoyed or suffered. They are my children, my reactions at any given moment, place and situation. But that is not me. I change as you do… see? I discover things everyday, and every single moment and picking a piece of this endless puzzle that we are calling life. Don’t take my words as if am speaking with a complete puzzle. The picture cannot be fully shown yet. Look at the big picture as that, as something that might change.

Psychologists sometimes use certain abstract paintings to expose before their patients. Sometimes whatever they say, might suggest a hint to what is in the mind of the one who sees it. Jesus Christ was the one who said that ‘from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks’. I use to have this signature in my mail that quotes Páez that claims: “Most of the things that I care for cannot be touched by me”. Since I’ve written that, many have understood that I am complaining about not having something or someone, some have understood that are out of my reach, and am playing a ‘poor me’ roll here. But it never stated that I don’t have something. It is just something that I cannot touch. Can you touch love, intensity, or God? Does it mean that you aren’t loved, you are flavorless, or you don’t have spirituality?

So when you read my stuff, read well, and when you reach a conclusion, think twice. Do you read me? Or am I the instrument for you to expose what is indeed in your heart? I concluded long time ago that if I want to judge I can, but that really drains me. My concept of living implies understanding our complexity. Then in concordance with it, then face the situations in a way that we can make lighter our baggage. Ask yourself if you are making your life lighter thinking what I am or am not.

Keep It Simple.

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