

In "The island of the Fay" , Edgar Allan Poe speaks about some sort of vision or mental game he has watching a river, and a leaf, where he starts constructing the idea of watching an island, that had 2 bipolar sides. A dark and sad 1, and another 1 that was shiny and appeared 2 glow uplifting feelings. He said it was an enchanted island, and then, a 'flake' that on his autism dream was a 'fay' that was traveling in circles around the island, experiencing her 'cycle of life', which was composed by good times (the light zone of the 'isle') and bad times (the dark half of it). Everytime the fay finished another round, the spirit of life seemed eroded or drained a bit more than the prior 1. At certain point, the story ends with the 'fay' B ing lost of sight and never comming back.

I read somewhere that Edgar Allan Poe (my literature hero of all times), had such a painful process of creativity. Due 2 his alcoholism, he seemed 2 write things in the hangover blues, and then the heart and blood he poured thru his texts were so intense, that people clapped and praised him. His career was then growing, until he once again fell in the prison of a drink. Some people has suggested that it was partially a conscious process where he used 2 seek alcoholism downs as a boost 4 quality production on his writings. If we part from that affirmation, then 'The Island of the Fay' might suggest a confession of his process.

Some say that when he was in his drinking stage, in his trance Poe even reached the humilliating point of stooling in front of some others in the New York block corners. His production of 'Eureka', his last attempt of shining, was a scientific manifesto about the origins of the universe and his conclusions about matter dimension, versus spiritual 1s. Even when that showed that his mental brilliance was in free fall by that time, still certain scientifics have a hard time finding out how did he describe in such an accurate way the concept of 'black holes'. Like the fay of the Island, at 30 years old, Poe got in the dark part of the island with another drinking episode in which he had his 'delirium tremens' that presumably provoked his death.

Does an artist always have 2 B painful in order 2 B such a good artist? Is it true that the price U have 2 pay 2 produce good creativity is quotes of pain? Some say so. Even though am not an artist, I have noticed that many of my B st writings and creations arrive when am in a down situation.

However, in this article Hara Estroff suggests that "there may B a link B tween creativity and mental disorders, but it is probably not in the way that U think.". And suggests as possible causes that: "Artists are more likely 2 B self-reflective and 2 ruminate, 2 mull things over. And that thinking style—as opposed 2 creativity itself—is a hallmark of depression and commonly leads 2 it." She also points a possible cause in the "lifestyle" and "overwhelming pressure 2 live up 2 their earlier successes".

Interesting isn't it? What do U think on the subject? After all, some of us need understand why the damn fay goes the dark side, B cause at that very moment, far from Poe's fantasies, 1 feels like what really it was: a flake.

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