

U have 2 face it one day
U can’t skip it away
U can hide Urself baby
But U can’t run from it.
There is not much 2 think of
Look at it simply and freeze:
Love’s supposed 2 heal U.
It ain’t 2 make a disease.
I know it’s hard 2 face it
I know we C within
Could B my last shot of life,
But that is what nearly killed…
There is not fate 4 creeds, no.
The burning flame did freeze
Infatuation haunts us,
Our hearts do want B/Live.
We have 2 face it 1 day
We can’t skip it this way…
We’re trying 2 hide from it but
We R prisoners in this cell.
The cell of almost willing
The crash of dreams and wish
Against the real of this world
Don’t even have a tear!


Creative Commons License
The D|Verse|City Network is an umbrella domain 4 personal creative Xperimentation with no commercial purposes. Creative Writting Experimentation by D-Verse-City Networks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

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