

As the word on my lips
That melts in Ur tongue
Stimulates Ur mind,
Then Ur body, then gone...
Like the wish that remains,
U could never tell,
Like sensual secret,
That’s how U can tell.

Like the silk in Ur sheets,
That shine the dimmed lite
Like the parfume of peach,
That permeates U 2nite
Like the warmth of soft skin,
Without contact @ all
Eye can ignite a fire,
Within Ur own heart.

Eye ain’t usually pranking,
Am just letting U C,
It’s diff’rent eye blessing
Than power 2 reach
And the scent of my words,
Shall never B ceased,
Might never B owned,
Could never reach free...


Creative Commons License
The D|Verse|City Network is an umbrella domain 4 personal creative Xperimentation with no commercial purposes. Creative Writting Experimentation by D-Verse-City Networks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

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