

There is really not too much to say that hasn't been said...

There’s a subtle difference
Better don’t confuse
The 1 that feels more real
Should B the 1 removed

The reason implies pain,
And doesn’t pay that fast
It wants your sacrifice, and faith
B4 it starts 2 shine

Who said the faith is blinded?
Who said B-Live 2 C?
Who said it’s easy baby?
Who said U R 4 me?

The 1 who’s always helping
Is the 1 U can’t C.
If U don’t C it baby…
Could this 2 pieces stick?

The faith comes 2 stage and
Blows miracles in me…
And all my tears R shielding
The projects I conceived.

I’ll B the Faith/ Fool looser
Who lets a treasure sink
Waiting 2 C the harvest
Of different kinds of seeds

Bestowed in floods of anger
Sprayed with tears and hits
The seeds were my own borders
I do B-Live in this

Who said the fools R blinded?
Who said they never C?
Who said it’s easy? Nice 1!
It’s easy as this tears

From the forthcomming project, "F-Words"

Creative Commons License
The D|Verse|City Network is an umbrella domain 4 personal creative Xperimentation with no commercial purposes. Creative Writting Experimentation by D-Verse-City Networks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

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