
Mad Flava

Adriel Louis, is an urban poet, who speaks like a black new yorker, but he ain't that black (I kinda understand the feelin'). Hip-Hop influenced, the guy, as he says in this film, 'kicks knowledge'.

Karen Lum, who happens 2 b the 'star' of this short film, directed the visualization for a poem from Louis called 'Slip of the Tongue'. The film was nominee in the 6th Annual Media that Matters Film Festival. And am thankfull 2 Adobe 4 sponsoring this & allow me 2 find it in a website diggin' session.

A guy approaches a girl, uses a bit of crappy talk trying 2 work based on the girl's ego. The woman slaps'im back with a deep talk on what beauty & ethnicity is, as well as what this society assumes that it is.

Most of those who read my posts R mainly Spanish speakers, & some do know English. I wish I could explain the complete flavor & style that this short film has, but I can't. So please watch it. If U don't understand it B cause of the speed and the slang this guy speaks quite completely, replay it over and over, be cause it is deeper than U think. They say that it is bad 2 say how it ends, but I must close with the same phrase this short film does: "Rejection never sounded so sweet"...

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