
D | Verse | City

One of the most invariable things in human nature seems to be the ability to change, whether we mean it or not. In a very day, we can go from the best to the worse and vice versa. We enjoy or lament. Probably few humans really try to harm intentionally, but most of us end up doing it be cause of our imperfect nature (note: imperfect nature is not human nature).

In my own experience, writing has allowed me the opportunity of document the existence of those many me’s within poetry, songs, short stories, and meditations. I’ve discovered that my head seems to be a huge city, with inhabitants that I might or might not know, but sooner or later take the spot on my mind and infuse me what to write about.

Enter D|Verse|City.

Now with a domain that will work as the main window to show my most recent works and also allowing to publish material that might not be of the same sort of order of poetry, essay or songs.

By now, this city has 2 county’s: D|Own|Town, which has the inhabitants that speak english, and the latin community of my mind, is living in D|Enuncia|2. There are more that little by little will reveal in time.

A bit of warning: I might have moods, but the way I feel in a moment might not be exactly what defines my personality. Don’t get those moods wrong please.

The rest is up to you. Hope you enjoy the ride. Feel free to comment. Thank you for coming.

Una de las cosas más invariables en la naturaleza humana parece ser la capacidad de cambiar. En un mismo día, podemos ir de lo mejor a lo peor, y viceversa. Disfrutamos o lamentamos. Probablemente pocos seres humanos genuinamente tratan de hacer daño, pero la mayoría de nosotros terminamos haciéndolo por nuestra naturaleza imperfecta (nótese que naturaleza imperfecta no es naturaleza humana).

En mi propia experiencia, escribir me ha dado la oportunidad de documentar la existencia de esos muchos yo’s dentro de la poesía, canciones, cuentos y meditaciones. He descubierto que mi cabeza parece ser una inmensa ciudad, con habitantes que puedo o no puedo conocer, pero tarde o temprano toman la atención en mi mente y me infunden sobre qué escribir.

Entre a D|Verse|City.

Ahora con un dominio que trabajará como ventana principal para mostrar mis trabajos más recientes, y también dando cabida a publicar material que no puede ser clasificado como poesía, ensayo o canciones.

Por ahora, en esta ciudad hay 2 condados: D|Own|Town, que tiene los angloparlantes, y la comunidad latina reside en D|Enuncia|2. Hay más que poco a poco se irán revelando en el tiempo.

Una palabra de advertencia: puede que yo tenga mis estados de ánimo, pero la forma en que me sienta en un momento no puede ser necesariamente me define. No malinterprete dichos estados, por favor.

El resto le toca a usted. Espero que disfrute el viaje. Siéntase libre de comentar. Gracias por venir.


D|V|C| History

Year 1:
Writtin’ has always been a passion for me. I don’t know where it came from, but my dead grandma used 2 write poetry... Nobody told me 2 do it, nobody thought me how 2, & nobody pushed me 2 do it, but I started it much B4 I started sharin’ what I wrote. Due 2 my relentless shyness & my chaotic room, I D|cided 2 code it in a way nobody could understand in case they would find them, & it was easy 2 say it as any song lyrics. That’s how my romance with english really began.

@ the begginin’ of 2005, I received this friend’s link 2 his own blog, & I finally knew about the existence of them. I had been writtin’ lots of stuff like songs, poetry, essays & short stories since am a kid, so I wanted 2 rescue many of those that were floatin’ by in my room & in old notebooks, into the same place. I was also overcomin’ a heartbreak, & I usually channel every good & bad feelin’ in an intense D|gree thru the writting, so I was producin’ a lot in those days...

February 21th, 2005: http://d-coded.blogspot.com was born. That was goin’ 2 B the official source 2 post my writtings, all of those I just mentioned, but I also had D|cided 2 share certain reviews about software, essays about critical issues, thougts about the advertisin’ field (I work in it), & I also posted about things that were goin’ on in my life, without a cryptic message.

Durin’ the 1st year, I compiled in2 1 place all of my stuff... Some of the things I wrote were reviewed, so that I would explain it 2 those that I posted. The name was influenced by my years of workin’ in the web, with all of those ‘codes’ I was exposed to. But I also loved the idea of explainin’ myself better. It could B nice 2 know somebody could know me better, but for me, it was mainly some sort of contract for myself 2 commit 2 put my head in order.

Later on, D-Coded started 2 function in a different way: I really started 2 believe that not all of my things should B openly shared, B cause there were comments that D|noted that not everybody would appreciate them. Aggresive people come & go, & if all they know how 2 do is 2 grief, they do it. I banned all of my 2 personal posts, & left just my poetry online. However, under the promise of friendship, I commited another mistake: I gave my address 2 people that used my blog 2 know how I was feelin’ @ the instant, & manipulate me from that. Another lesson: do not show that much what U feel 2 people unworthy of it.

Year 2:
Exactly 1 year later, in my own celebration my 1st year online, I had this pleasin’ surprise of receivin’ a responsability I was wholeheartedly waitin’ 4. I am not goin’ in2 the subject B cause it is 2 sacred for me 2 share, but, 2 this point, is undoubtedly the main axe of my life.

Months after, I D|cided 2 put 2 rest the wars of blogs that this light, childlike, & simple people started; & with a final message that D|clared that I was sick & tired of that, D-Coded ceased. I wanted 2 get back, but I went off for some days... I was plannin’ my comeback in a very private way, & I was seekin’ 4 a new name.
This time, 1 thin’ I learned when I was D-codin’ myself, is that inside me, there R crowds of people that create an ‘exquisite corpse’ that I sucked up from the world like a vacuum machine. My sociologic side had grown a lot, & I had been D|ply touched by the exposure 2 gruesome issues violence, poverty, spousal abuse, D|pression, death, heartbreaks, & also positive things like love (in a variety of ways), family, the magnific feelin’ of renew one’s self, meditation, & mainly my relationship with God. It also was a very interestin’ fact that I noticed later on, that D|pendin’ on the language, I express with some kind of alter-ego that has a different style, with the same esence.

Due 2 the big amount of ‘people’ & styles that I discovered durin’ my writtin’ evolution, & 2 the cryptic nature that unconsciously retook the throne on me 2 protect me from those who attack, the concept of D|Verse|City was conceived. I must confess that Prince started influencin’ me with the games he plays on words. The City of verses, & diversity, besides the fact that my name starts with a D. I also started tweakin’ a bit the look & feel, somethin’ I had choosen not 2 do B4. I still love that name.

Since D|Verse|City exists, the ship of the inspiration turned in a different direction. I have done more on short stories, & am experimentin’ much more with narrative techniques of telling, I wore different disguises as a narrator, & I even started playin’ more with this style that I baptized: ‘Plug & Play’ (which is very short stories that when U read in secuence & join the dots, tell U a bigger one).

However, little by little, I started feelin’ that there were things that didn’t quite please me. Everythin’ was poetry & short stories, no more meditations, nor news, nor technical reviews or notes, no more ads in video, or shortfilms 2 share, B cause the nature of the blog was solely on my stuff, & certain type of stuff... For that & more, it’s official: D|Verse|City has ended a chapter that might not B wise 2 force 2 continue. We need a new model of work.

What’s next? Is it possible 2 improve the blog, without sacrificin’ all of the good fruits that have been collected? Can this chameleon change skin again? Will this huge city B D|Vastated? New things R comming.

February 21th, 2007. Xpect D|Evolution.